Keyboard shortcuts 


  • Open Home:
  • Open Logs:
  • Open API Reference:
  • Open API Playground:
  • Open Connections:
  • Toggle Command Palette:
  • Toggle Problem Drawer:

Page Specific 

Some pages in Gadget have their own contextual hotkeys.

Model Editor 

  • Add Field:

Log Viewer 

  • Run Query:
  • Start Search:

Environment Variables 

  • Add Variable:

Command palette 

The command palette is a tool for quick navigation around Gadget, targeted at power users. It behaves similarly to VSCode's quick navigation bar. Within it, you can quickly navigate to any common area of Gadget such as Logs, API Reference, API Playground, Connections, and Global Actions. You can also begin typing the name of a model or file and to jump to it in any view you want (i.e. Data, Model).

Command palette categories 

The command palette supports category filters which refine your command down further to search only one area of Gadget. You can select a category by entering the category's character first in the command palette input.

The categories are:

  • @ for navigating to a specific file in the code editor
  • # for navigating to a specific symbol, like a Model, Field or Global Action
  • > for running operator actions in your application, like deleting data or running terminal commands

Running terminal commands 

Gadget supports running commands within the server-side environment of your application, like yarn add lodash or yarn run prettier. To run these terminal commands, open the command palette with CMD + P or CTRL + P, type a > to activate the command mode, type your terminal command, then select the Run {my command} dropdown option with the arrow keys (if it's not the only option available), and press enter to run it.

For example, if your terminal command is yarn add lodash, the dropdown option will read: Run yarn add lodash.


npm commands are not supported in the command palette at the moment