
The BigCommerce connection can be used to build full-stack, single-click BigCommerce apps.

What does the BigCommerce connection provide? 

Setting up the BigCommerce connection in Gadget will:

  • Give you a full-stack, hosted app that can be used to build single-click BigCommerce applications.
  • Handle OAuth and access_token flow required for BigCommerce apps.
  • Provide a /load endpoint and handle payload verification and user identification.
  • Subscribe to BigCommerce webhooks and use them to trigger actions.
  • Set up a React frontend with BigDesign and the BigCommerce JS-SDK.
  • Provide a BigCommerce API client for reading and writing data back to BigCommerce.
  • Generate a bigcommerce/store data model.
  • Manage user sessions in the session data model.

Setting up a BigCommerce connection 

Setting up a BigCommerce connection is your first step when building single-click apps.

The BigCommerce connection quickstart will show you how to:

  • Set up the connection
  • Subscribe to BigCommerce webhooks
  • Store webhook data in a Gadget database

Working with BigCommerce webhooks 

When you add a BigCommerce connection to an app, you can subscribe to BigCommerce webhooks and use them to trigger global actions in Gadget.

To learn more about working with BigCommerce webhooks, see the BigCommerce webhooks guide.

Working with BigCommerce data 

The BigCommerce connection gives you an API client that can be used to read and write data to a BigCommerce store.

Read more about working with BigCommerce data in our BigCommerce data guide.

Building single-click app frontends 

BigCommerce apps built with Gadget have React frontends that have the BigDesign library pre-installed.

Learn more about building single-click app frontends.


Have any feedback on the BigCommerce connection? Let us know in our developer Discord!