Gadget provides helpers for quickly building great frontend form experiences.
AutoForm autocomponents
Gadget will generate forms for you automatically that are pre-hooked up to call your app's API. Forms are customizable and use an underlying design system to ensure a consistent look and feel. This is the fastest way to get started with forms in Gadget.
The following will auto-generate a form for creating a new post and will include inputs for each field on the post model:
To set up a form, call the useActionForm helper with the action you want to run when the form is submitted. The useActionForm hook returns two main functions for form building:
a register function that returns props for each form field
and a submit function for calling to run the action
For example, if you have a backend model called post and an action called create on post, you can make a form for calling that action:
This example form sets up two fields, one for the title field and one for the content field of the form.
Retrieving initial form data
When the form is first rendered, useActionForm's initial data can be:
empty, like for create calls
fetched from the backend using the findBy option
seeded from an existing object or GadgetRecord object using the defaultValues option
Empty initial data
For forms that don't need any base data to start with, you can just call useActionForm with no option. Each form field will be initialized to an empty value.
For example, we can create a form for creating a new post that starts with empty data:
// don't pass any options, and the form will start with empty data
The findBy option can also fetch records by other fields that have a findBy<Field> function defined on your API client, which comes from that field having a Uniqueness field validation. This is useful for models with fields like a slug or another identifier that isn't an id. To find by a findBy<Field> field, pass an object with the field name as the key and the value to find by as the value:
// find the initial post record by slug using, and see the initial form values with that data
findBy:{slug: props.slug},
Passing explicit initial data
If you already have data in context for your form, or want to control exactly what data shows up in the initial values for each field, you can pass this data using the defaultValues option.
// pass the defaultValues option to use hardcoded data as the initial data
If you're calling an action on a model, and you have a GadgetRecord object returned by a record finder, you can pass the whole record to seed the initial values using the defaultValues option:
The register function returned by useActionForm produces props for applying to each element that changes data in your form. <input/>, <textarea/>, <select/>, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc all can be registered with the register function.
Each registered input must pass the identifier of the field it should set in the submission data. For example, if you're calling the create action for a model called post, and you want to set the title field, you would pass post.title to the register function:
The register function comes from react-hook-form, the excellent form state management library that useActionForm uses under the
hood. For more details on the register function, see the react-hook-form docs.
Registering components without ref support
The top-level register function relies on the ref prop to correctly integrate with an input component. Base HTML elements like <input/>, <textarea/>, <select/> etc all support refs just fine, as well as many UI libraries. But, some libraries don't pass refs down through their components to the low-level HTML elements.
For ref-less components like these, you must use a Controller object to correctly register a field instead of the top-level register function.
To register a ref-less component for a field, pass the field's name and the control object from useActionForm to a Controller. Then, mount your ref-less component inside the render function of the controller, ensuring you pass the field props down to the component from the controller:
11// you must pass the `control` object returned by `useActionForm`
13// the key into the form state to get and set values from
15// ... other options you might pass to `register()`
16// render the controlled/refless component
17render={({ field })=>(
18// pass the field props to the inner component (like `value` and `onChange`)
22// ...
The render function of the controller will pass these props down to the input:
sets the value of an input
(event: React.ChangeEvent) => void
detects changes the user makes
(event: React.ChangeEvent) => void
for tracking dirty form state
for giving a unique name to the input in the DOM
for allowing imperative focusing of the element
As of writing, the following UI libraries are known to require the use of Controller because they have poor ref support or only use controlled components:
@shopify/polaris (for components like <TextField/>)
@material-ui/core (for components like <TextField/>)
@shopify/polaris form components require controlled component props like value and onChange, and don't support refs well, so you must use a <Controller/> component to register its form inputs:
Registering controlled components from UI libraries
Controlled components from UI libraries often don't export a ref, or don't conform to the same style of props that a standard <input/> component might. For these components, you also need to use a Controller to register the field, instead of the top-level register function. See the above example for how to use Controller.
Registering number fields
By default, number fields in forms are treated as strings. If you want to submit a number field as a number, you can use the valueAsNumber option when registering your field on an input element:
Datetime fields are trickier to handle. Using <input type="datetime-local" /> does not capture timezone information by default. You can always manually add a timezone offset to the value before submitting it, but this can be error-prone.
To handle datetime fields with timezone support, it can be easiest to use a library for the datepicker widget.
You can also include file uploads as part of a form submission. There are different ways to store files in Gadget, each with benefits and trade-offs.
Uploads using the File object in forms
The simplest way to handle file uploads is to use the type="file" attribute on an <input/> element. When a user selects a file, the file is stored in the form state as a File object. You can then submit the form with the file data as part of the form submission.
7// use type="file" on the input element to allow users to select and submit a file
12 Submit
Uploads using direct upload tokens
You can use direct upload tokens to upload larger files as part of form submission. You can use the setValue function returned by useActionForm to set the value of a file field in the form state, after uploading a file using the generated token.
This example implements drag-and-drop file upload:
43{isUploading ?"Uploading ...": fileName ? fileName :"Drop a file here"}
46 Submit
Registering fields on related models
You can use the useFieldArray hook along with useActionForm to register fields on related models. The useFieldArray hook comes from react-hook-form and allows you to build dynamic forms.
For example, a quiz application has a quiz model where each quiz record has many questions. You can register fields on the quiz and question models in the same form:
Some important things to note when using useFieldArray:
The name option passed to useFieldArray should be the path to the related model from the parent. In this case, it's quiz.questions.
The fields array returned by useFieldArray contains the current state of the field array. You can map over this array to render each field in the array.
The append function returned by useFieldArray allows you to add new fields to the field array.
The remove function returned by useFieldArray allows you to remove fields from the field array.
The type="button" attribute is important for the append and remove buttons to prevent the form from submitting when clicked.
The value ( in the above example) must be used as the key prop on rendered list elements, NOT the index. This prevents re-renders from breaking the fields.
Showing form state
Good UX practices dictate that our forms should give the user feedback as they make changes. If a field is in an error state, we need to show them which field, and what the error is. While the form is submitting, we should show them that it is happening, and report the outcome. All this state about the form is managed by useActionForm (and react-hook-form under the hood), and is available for you to use in your components.
To access the form's current state and errors, destructure the formState object returned from useActionForm, and use it to control your :
The formState object includes the following properties:
true if the user has modified any inputs away from the defaultValues, and false otherwise
Record<string, boolean>
A map of fields to the dirty state for each field. Each field's property on the object true if the user has modified this field away from the default and false otherwise
Record<string, boolean>
A map of fields to the touched state for each field. Each field's property on the object true if the user has modified this field at all and false otherwise
Record<string, any>
The default values the form started out with, or has been reset to
true if the form has ever been submitted, false otherwise
true if the form has completed a submission that encountered no errors, false otherwise
true if the form is currently submitting to the backend, false otherwise
true if the form is currently loading data from the backend to populate the initial values or another input, false otherwise
Count of times the form has been submitted
true if the form has no validation errors currently, false otherwise
true if the form is currently validating data, false otherwise
Record<string, string>
A map of any validation errors currently present on each field
Once you have a form setup with inputs for users, you can call the action with the changed form data by calling the submit function returned from useActionForm:
When called, the submit function will assemble the right variables for your Gadget backend and call the action. If the action execution succeeds, isSubmitSuccessful will become true and submit will resolve with the result of calling the action. You can await the submission, and show feedback to the user depending on the outcome:
submit is an async function that will return the result of calling the backend Gadget action as a {data, error, fetching} triple. It's the same value as is returned by the useAction hook. If the submission encounters an error, the returned value will look like:
data: null,
error: Error
If the submission succeeded, the returned value will look like:
data: Result, // a GadgetRecord for model actions, the action return value for Global Actions
error: null
Submitting the form and excluding fields
There are scenarios where you'd like to exclude some fields from form submission when calling an action. You've got two options and they depend on your use case:
Setting fields as ReadOnly with the select option
When using an update action, we recommend using the select option and setting fields as ReadOnly to exclude them from the form submission. These fields are still fetched from the backend when using findBy.
The errors object returned in the formState object reflects validation errors from invalid user inputs to your form. You can add validations as you register fields, and you can explicitly mark inputs as invalid with the setError function.
For example, we can add a client-side required validation to the title element, and show a message when the title is blank:
1import{ useActionForm }from"@gadgetinc/react";
2import{ api }from"../api";
6 formState:{ errors },
12{/** Render an error message if there is an error on the title attribute */}
13{errors.title?.type ==="required"&&<prole="alert">Title is required</p>}
1import{ useActionForm }from"@gadgetinc/react";
2import{ api }from"../api";
6formState:{ errors },
12{/** Render an error message if there is an error on the title attribute */}
13{errors.title?.type ==="required"&&<prole="alert">Title is required</p>}
Handling server-side validations
Server-side validations on models are automatically handled by useActionForm. When the input is invalid, your app's GraphQL API will return structured data that describes each of the invalid fields, and useActionForm will automatically update the errors object with the right messages.
Adding client-side validations
Client-side validations give a nice experience for your user where they get real-time feedback on their entries into a form, without needing to wait until they submit the form to find out if what they've entered is valid.
useActionForm supports client-side validations via react-hook-form's base validation support, as well as its schema validator support.
For basic validations, you can pass validation information when you register a field (with either register or a Controller/>).
Read more about react-hook-form's clearErrors function in the react-hook-form docs.
Handling transport errors
In addition to validation errors, your application can encounter other errors when handling form submissions like the user's internet being disconnected or a 500 error during processing. These errors are often unexpected, and they don't pertain to any field in particular.
To display these errors to the user, destructure the top-level error object from calling useActionForm:
1import{ useActionForm }from"@gadgetinc/react";
2import{ api }from"../api";
5const{ error }=useActionForm(;
9{error &&<pclass="error">There was an error: {error.message}</p>}
10{/** ... */}
1import{ useActionForm }from"@gadgetinc/react";
2import{ api }from"../api";
5const{ error }=useActionForm(;
9{error &&<pclass="error">There was an error: {error.message}</p>}
10{/** ... */}
The error object will be null if no errors have been encountered, or contain any thrown Error objects. It will be populated with any transport errors fetching the initial data for the form (when using findBy), as well as any transport errors when submitting the form. The error object won't be populated if server-side validation errors are encountered.
Resetting the form
After a form is submitted, it's often useful to reset the form to a clean state. useActionForm returns a reset function for this purpose. You can call reset to reset the form to its initial state, or pass an object to reset to reset the form to a specific set of values.
1const{ reset }=useActionForm(;
3// call reset to reset the form's value
6// call reset with specific values to reset to those values
7reset({ title:"new form title", body:"new body"});
1const{ reset }=useActionForm(;
3// call reset to reset the form's value
6// call reset with specific values to reset to those values
7reset({title:"new form title",body:"new body"});
reset also accepts specific options to keep various elements of the form state in place, like keepErrors, keepDirty, etc. See the react-hook-form docs for more info on the reset function.
Resetting automatically after submitting
useActionForm will not reset the data automatically after a successful submission. If you'd like to reset your form's data after a successful submission, you can use a useEffect to do so in your form component:
2 reset,
3 formState:{ isSubmitSuccessful },
8 data:"new data",
2 reset,
3formState:{ isSubmitSuccessful },
8data:"new data",
Form file uploads
useActionForm does not currently support file uploads.
To handle file uploads as part of a form, we recommend checking out our storing files guide where you can learn how to build frontend upload forms. You can alternatively use other popular React libraries for building forms that support file uploads. For more information, check out other form approaches.
Other form approaches
useActionForm is the recommended way to build forms with Gadget, but it isn't the only way.
useAction hook
If you prefer to manage your form state on your own but still want to use your app's GraphQL API for processing the submitted data, you can use the useAction hook for calling actions. The useAction hook takes care of managing the request lifecycle, error handling, and ensuring React re-renders appropriately. It serves as an excellent method for invoking actions within your app.
For example, if you have a post model, you can create a new post by calling the act function returned by the useAction hook:
Certain forms do not incorporate input elements; instead, they trigger backend logic when users click on them. For instance, a button that triggers a data sync may not require any user input but still needs to trigger an action. In cases where there is no need to manage form state, opting for useAction over useActionForm is often a more straightforward approach to handle these elements.
For example, if we have a post model that has a publish action, we can build a button to trigger this mutation with the useAction hook:
10// run the action function when the button is clicked
14// show the user any errors
18 disabled={fetching}
Other popular libraries
The React ecosystem has several other approaches to form building which can be used with Gadget. Popular libraries like formik or plain state management with useState and useReducer in React can be used to build forms with Gadget as well.