Shopify API version changelog
Shopify releases a new API version every 3 months at the beginning of the quarter, and each stable version is supported for a minimum of 12 months. This generally means that a given version will become unsupported after 12 months has elapsed since its release. Shopify recommends updating your apps to make requests to the latest stable API version every quarter. Gadget makes this process simple by allowing you to edit your Shopify Connection's API version. The following are the changes to Shopify models in Gadget by version:
2024-07 Changelog
Shopify Draft Order
Fields added to the Shopify Draft Order model:
- discountCodes
- acceptAutomaticDiscounts
- allowDiscountCodesInCheckout
- warnings
- billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress
- defaultCursor
- hasTimelineComment
- invoiceEmailTemplateSubject
- legacyResourceId
- lineItemsSubtotalPrice
- marketName
- marketRegionCountryCode
- phone
- platformDiscounts
- presentmentCurrencyCode
- ready
- reserveInventoryUntil
- subtotalPriceSet
- totalDiscountsSet
- totalPriceSet
- totalLineItemsPriceSet
- totalQuantityOfLineItems
- totalShippingPriceSet
- totalTaxSet
- totalWeight
- transformerFingerprint
- visibleToCustomer
Shopify Draft Order Line Item
Fields disconnected on the Shopify Draft Order Line Item model:
- grams
Fields added to the Shopify Draft Order Line Item model:
- approximateDiscountedUnitPriceSet
- bundleComponents
- discountedTotalSet
- fulfillmentServiceHandle
- originalTotalSet
- originalUnitPriceSet
- originalUnitPriceWithCurrency
- totalDiscountSet
- uUID
- customAttributes
- customAttributesV2
- weight
Shopify File
Fields added to the Shopify File model:
- shopifyUpdatedAt
- embedUrl
- host
- mediaContentType
- mediaErrors
- mediaWarnings
- originUrl
- status
- boundingBox
- filename
- product
- productVariant
Shopify Fulfillment Order Line Item
Fields added to the Shopify Fulfillment Order Line Item model:
- variant
Shopify Fulfillment Service
Fields added to the Shopify Fulfillment Service model:
- adminGraphQLAPIID
- draftOrderLineItem
Shopify Product Variant
Fields disconnected on the Shopify Product Variant model:
- fulfillmentService
- inventoryManagement
- requiresShipping
- weight
- weightUnit
Fields added to the Shopify Product Variant model:
- fulfillmentOrderLineItem
- media
Shopify Shop
Fields added to the Shopify Shop model:
- draftOrderPlatformDiscount
- draftOrderPlatformDiscountAllocation
- productMedia
- productVariantMedia
2024-04 Changelog
Shopify Company
Fields deprecated on the Shopify Company model:
- contactCount
Fields disconnected on the Shopify Company model:
- orderCount
- locationCount
Fields added to the Shopify Company model:
- contactsCount
- ordersCount
- locationsCount
Shopify Company Location
Fields disconnected on the Shopify Company Location model:
- orderCount
Fields added to the Shopify Company Location model:
- ordersCount
Shopify Discount
Fields disconnected on the Shopify Discount model:
- codeCount
Fields added to the Shopify Discount model:
- codesCount
Shopify Fulfillment Service
Fields deprecated on the Shopify Fulfillment Service model:
- fulfillmentOrdersOptIn
Shopify Order
Fields deprecated on the Shopify Order model:
- risks
Fields added to the Shopify Order model:
- risk
New webhooks are available:
Shopify Product
Fields deprecated on the Shopify Product model:
- productCategory
Fields disconnected on the Shopify Product model:
- publishedScope
Fields added to the Shopify Product model:
- category
Shopify Product Variant
Fields deprecated on the Shopify Product Variant model:
- fulfillmentService
- inventoryManagement
- requiresShipping
- weight
- weightUnit
Fields disconnected on the Shopify Product Variant model:
- grams
- inventoryQuantityAdjustment
- oldInventoryQuantity
Fields added to the Shopify Product Variant model:
- selectedOptions
Shopify Subscription Billing Attempt
New enum option added to:
- Enum option AMOUNT_TOO_SMALL to errorCode
- Enum option CARD_NUMBER_INCORRECT to errorCode
- Enum option FRAUD_SUSPECTED to errorCode
- Enum option INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS to errorCode
- Enum option INVOICE_ALREADY_PAID to errorCode
- Enum option PAYPAL_ERROR_GENERAL to errorCode
- Enum option PURCHASE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED to errorCode
- Enum option TRANSIENT_ERROR to errorCode
2024-01 Changelog
Shopify Balance Transaction
Fields added to the Shopify Balance Transaction model:
- adjustmentOrderTransactions
Shopify Fulfillment Order
New webhooks are available:
2023-10 Changelog
Shopify Customer Payment Method
New enum option added to:
- Enum option MERGED to revokedReason
- Enum option BRAINTREE_GATEWAY_NOT_ENABLED to revokedReason
- Enum option BRAINTREE_PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_CARD to revokedReason
Shopify Fulfillment Service
Fields deprecated on the Shopify Fulfillment Service model:
- requiresShippingMethod
Fields added to the Shopify Fulfillment Service model:
- serviceName
- type
- shippingMethods
Shopify Market Web Presence
Fields added to the Shopify Market Web Presence model:
- primaryWebPresenceForMarket
Shopify Order
Fields deprecated on the Shopify Order model:
- location
Fields added to the Shopify Order model:
- cancellation
- shopifyProtect
2023-07 Changelog
Shopify Collection
Fields added to the Shopify Collection model:
- customerGetsThroughDiscounts
- customerBuysThroughDiscounts
Shopify Discount
Fields added to the Shopify Discount model:
- customerGets
- customerGetsProducts
- customerGetsProductVariants
- customerGetsCollections
- customerBuys
- customerBuysProducts
- customerBuysProductVariants
- customerBuysCollections
- codes
Shopify Fulfillment Order
Fields added to the Shopify Fulfillment Order model:
- shopifyCreatedAt
- shopifyUpdatedAt
- location
Shopify Inventory Item
Fields added to the Shopify Inventory Item model:
- duplicateSkuCount
- legacyResourceId
- trackedEditable
- unitCost
Shopify Inventory Level
Fields added to the Shopify Inventory Level model:
- adminGraphQLAPIID
- canDeactivate
- deactivationAlert
Shopify Product
Fields added to the Shopify Product model:
- customerGetsThroughDiscounts
- customerBuysThroughDiscounts
Shopify Product Variant
Fields added to the Shopify Product Variant model:
- customerGetsThroughDiscounts
- customerBuysThroughDiscounts
Shopify Shop
Fields added to the Shopify Shop model:
- discountRedeemCodes
- discountCustomerBuysCollections
- discountCustomerGetsCollections
- discountCustomerBuysProducts
- discountCustomerGetsProducts
- discountCustomerBuysProductVariants
- discountCustomerGetsProductVariants
2023-04 Changelog
Shopify Draft Order
Fields added to the Shopify Draft Order model:
- purchasingCompany
- purchasingCompanyContact
- purchasingCompanyLocation
- purchasingEntity
Shopify Fulfillment Order Line Item
Fields added to the Shopify Fulfillment Order Line Item model:
- inventoryItem
Shopify Market
Fields added to the Shopify Market model:
- companyLocations
- Metafield support added for this model
Shopify Order
Fields disconnected on the Shopify Order model:
- gateway
- paymentDetails
- processingMethod
Fields added to the Shopify Order model:
- currentTotalAdditionalFeesSet
- originalTotalAdditionalFeesSet
- additionalFees
- purchasingEntity
- purchasingCompany
- purchasingCompanyContact
- purchasingCompanyLocation
Shopify Order Line Item
Fields added to the Shopify Order Line Item model:
- fulfillableQuantity
- fulfillmentService
- fulfillmentStatus
- grams
- productExists
- variantInventoryManagement
Shopify Shop
Fields added to the Shopify Shop model:
- company
- companyContact
- companyContactRole
- companyContactRoleAssignment
- companyLocation
- companyAddress
Shopify Company Contact
New webhooks are available:
Shopify Company Location
New webhooks are available:
2023-01 Changelog
Shopify Fulfillment Order
New webhooks are available:
2022-10 Changelog
Shopify Shop
Fields added to the Shopify Shop model:
- transactionalSMSDisabled
- marketingSMSContentEnabledAtCheckout
2022-07 Changelog
Shopify Shop
Fields added to the Shopify Shop model:
- disputeEvidences
- disputeFileUploads
- disputeEvidenceFulfillments
- discounts
2022-04 Changelog
Shopify Customer
Fields deprecated on the Shopify Customer model:
- acceptsMarketing
- acceptsMarketingUpdatedAt
- marketingOptInLevel
Fields added to the Shopify Customer model:
- emailMarketingConsent
- sMSMarketingConsent
- shopifyState